
The 2021 Hyundai Tucson gets no star in the Latin NCAP crash test

The 2021 Hyundai Tucson has scored zero stars in the latest crash take a look at carried out by using the Latin New Car Assessment Programme (Latin NCAP). The 2021 Tucson is the third-gen model, and Hyundai has moved on to a next-generation model in markets like Europe and America, whilst this model continues to be on sale in countless worldwide markets, inclusive of India.

  1. The Tucson scored 51% and four percent in grown-up and kid tenant security, separately.
  2. The tried model got double front airbags, ABS with EBD, and ISOFIX kid seat mounts in the back seats as standard.
  3. It was punished for CRS (kid limitation framework) disappointments and not offering a three-point safety belt in the back center seat.
  4. Passes up programmed crisis slowing down, path change notice, and vulnerable side recognition.
  5. Tried model gave ‘great’ security to driver and traveler’s head and neck and ‘sufficient’ assurance to the driver’s chest.
  6. The bodyshell was evaluated steady and fit for withstanding more burden.

Zero. That is how much the 2021 Hyundai Tucson scored in the Latin NCAP crash tests. Also what intensifies our concerns is that the model tried is presently marked down in India. Nonetheless, on the splendid side, the new-gen SUV shows up in 2022, and it has effectively scored an entire 5 stars in the Euro NCAP appraisal.

Hyundai Tucson in India:

The tried model got double front airbags, ABS with EBD, and ISOFIX youngster seat mounts in the back seats as standard. Electronic strength control (ESC), front seat belt update, and side airbags were discretionary. Notwithstanding, these security highlights are standard on the India-spec Tucson. The accident tried SUV likewise missed a few ADAS highlights, including programmed crisis slowing down, path change notice, and vulnerable side identification – hardware considered important for a higher Latin NCAP score.

The SUV scored 51% in grown-up inhabitant security and only four percent in kid wellbeing. Walker security and wellbeing help frameworks were evaluated at 50% and seven percent, separately.

​​The SUV offered great assurance to the driver and traveler’s head and neck locales. While assurance to the traveler’s chest was great, the equivalent was sufficient for the driver’s chest. The driver’s knees showed peripheral insurance, while the equivalent was useful for the travelers’ knees. The bodyshell was appraised steady and equipped for withstanding further burden.

The Tucson offered great assurance to the travelers’ head, mid-region, and pelvis, while the spurious’ chest got sufficient side effect security.

The helpless score in youngster tenant security was down to Hyundai not offering CRS (Child Restraint System) suggestions, and the vast majority of the CRSs tried for establishment coming up short. It was additionally docked focuses for just contributing a lap belt for the back center traveler.

The India-spec Tucson highlights six airbags, ESC, vehicle solidness the executives (VSM), slope start help control, tire pressure checking framework (TPMS), electronic shift lock framework, and an opposite leaving camera as standard.


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